Navigating baby routines over the holidays

Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Unsplash

Avoiding a weeklong meltdown — for either you or your baby — is an act of balance. Our expert Heather has advice for handling breaks from your baby’s routine to keep both of you happy this holiday season.

Heather Berry

Heather Berry

Postpartum nurse at Berry Care and Coaching

Published on December 15, 2024

1 min READ

The community asked:

I have a lot of holiday events coming up that clash with naptimes and bedtimes. How do I manage my baby’s routine through it all? I’m worried she’ll get overstimulated and overtired.

Our answer:

If your baby doesn’t do well when they miss out on rest — and whose baby does — it makes sense that you’re daunted by the holiday season. Even with the best intentions from family and friends, it’s hard to accommodate the strict routine of a baby.

To prepare yourself and those around you, think of what happens when your baby gets overstimulated or overtired. It might involve some extra crying, fussing, refusing food, and skipping sleep. The real question is: How much of that are you ready to take on?

“What’s good for you is almost always good for your baby.” says Heather.

“Here’s the truth,” says postpartum nurse Heather Berry of Berry Care and Coaching. “What’s good for you is almost always good for your baby. Is the joy of catching up with family and friends, sharing a laugh, and getting a well-deserved break worth dealing with a grumpy baby later on? If so, go ahead and enjoy the event! See how your baby does, and don’t forget to check in on how you’re doing, too.” As with so many parenting things, it’s all about finding a balance between your needs and theirs. Too much holiday spirit — and lack of good rest — isn’t good for anyone.

In case you’re worried that a break from routine will have permanent effects on your baby’s development: don’t fear. Heather assures us that a few off days (or even weeks) won’t ruin your baby’s sleep forever. “They’re more resilient than we give them credit for — and so are you.”

So if you decide to toss the schedule in exchange for some merriment, know that you’re giving them the gift of holiday memories — and maybe a tiny bit of holiday chaos. Happy holidays, and good luck!

family friends sleep socializing routine

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